Apollo 10 Astronauts Heard Weird Music On The Far Side Of The Moon

Image credit: NASA Johnson Space Center

Introduction to the Apollo 10 Mission

Apollo 10, launched in May 1969, was a critical precursor to the historic Apollo 11 mission that landed the first humans on the Moon. The mission served as a “dress rehearsal” for the actual lunar landing, testing all the components and procedures except for the actual descent to the Moon’s surface. During their mission, the Apollo 10 astronauts encountered an unexpected and eerie phenomenon.

The Mysterious Music

While orbiting the Moon, the Apollo 10 crew—Thomas Stafford, John Young, and Eugene Cernan—heard strange “music” during their time on the far side of the Moon, where radio contact with Earth is impossible. This unexplained audio, described as a “whistling sound” or “space music,” was recorded in May 1969 and remained classified for many years.

Astronauts’ Reactions

The astronauts’ reactions were captured in transcripts, with them discussing whether or not to report the sounds to NASA. They were initially unsure if the noise was something they should mention, fearing that it might lead to questions about their mental state or the mission’s success.

Possible Explanations

After the recordings were declassified and released to the public, various theories emerged to explain the strange sounds. NASA scientists and engineers later suggested that the noises were likely caused by radio interference between the Lunar Module (LM) and the Command Module (CM). The interaction of the two radio systems could have produced the whistling sounds the astronauts heard.

Technical Analysis

Experts believe the sound might have been a result of the VHF (Very High Frequency) radios onboard the spacecraft interacting with each other. The Apollo spacecraft had multiple communication systems, and it’s possible that the audio frequency interference between these systems created the mysterious music-like sounds.

Impact on Future Missions

This incident underscores the many unknowns and challenges faced during space exploration. It also highlights the psychological and technical complexities of space travel. The Apollo 10 experience with the mysterious music added a layer of intrigue and caution to subsequent missions, ensuring that all anomalies were meticulously documented and analyzed.


The strange music heard by Apollo 10 astronauts remains one of the intriguing anecdotes from the Apollo missions. While the most plausible explanation is technical interference, the incident continues to capture the imagination of space enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists alike. It serves as a reminder of the many mysteries that space exploration can uncover and the importance of thorough scientific investigation in understanding these phenomena.

For more detailed information, you can explore NASA’s official Apollo mission archives and related declassified documents.

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