Expert says Humans are Aliens—and we were Brought to Earth Hundreds of Thousands of Years Ago

A still from the movie, Prometheus. Picture courtesy: Twitter/kennicosmith


In a thought-provoking theory that challenges conventional understanding of human origins, an expert has proposed that humans are not native to Earth but were brought here by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization hundreds of thousands of years ago. This controversial idea, which has sparked significant debate among scientists and the general public alike, offers a radical rethinking of our species’ history and development. This article explores the expert’s hypothesis, the evidence supporting it, and the implications for our understanding of human evolution.

The Hypothesis

Background of the Expert

Dr. Ellis Silver, a prominent ecologist and environmentalist, has been vocal about his unconventional theory regarding human origins. In his book, “Humans are not from Earth: a scientific evaluation of the evidence,” Dr. Silver presents a collection of arguments suggesting that humans might have been transported to Earth by extraterrestrial beings.

Key Points of the Hypothesis

Dr. Silver’s hypothesis centers on several key points that, he argues, indicate humans are not well-suited to the conditions of Earth:

Chronic Health Issues: According to Dr. Silver, humans suffer from an array of chronic health problems, such as back pain, sunburn, and susceptibility to various diseases, which suggest that our bodies may not be fully adapted to Earth’s environment.

Difficult Childbirth: Human childbirth is uniquely painful and dangerous compared to other mammals, implying a possible evolutionary mismatch.

Psychological Discomfort: Many humans experience feelings of not belonging or a yearning for something more, which Dr. Silver interprets as a subconscious memory of our extraterrestrial origins.

Evidence and Arguments

Anatomical and Physiological Evidence

Dr. Silver points to several anatomical and physiological traits that he believes support his theory:

Spinal Problems: The prevalence of back pain and spinal issues among humans could indicate that we evolved on a planet with lower gravity.

Skin Sensitivity: Human skin is particularly vulnerable to sun damage compared to other species, suggesting that our ancestors may have originated on a planet with less intense solar radiation.

Evolutionary Considerations

Sudden Appearance in Fossil Record: Dr. Silver argues that the relatively sudden appearance of Homo sapiens in the fossil record could be indicative of an extraterrestrial intervention.

Genetic Differences: Some proponents of this theory suggest that certain unique aspects of human DNA might be evidence of extraterrestrial tampering or introduction.

Scientific Criticism

Lack of Concrete Evidence

The mainstream scientific community remains highly skeptical of Dr. Silver’s hypothesis. Critics argue that there is no concrete evidence to support the idea that humans are not native to Earth. They point out that the health issues mentioned by Dr. Silver can be explained by evolutionary trade-offs and the modern lifestyle, rather than alien origins.

Evolutionary Biology

Experts in evolutionary biology emphasize that human evolution is well-documented through the fossil record and genetic studies. They argue that the adaptation issues raised by Dr. Silver are not unique to humans but are seen in other species as well, reflecting evolutionary compromises rather than extraterrestrial origins.

Psychological Factors

Psychologists suggest that feelings of not belonging or yearning for more can be attributed to a variety of factors, including existential questions, cultural influences, and individual psychological conditions, rather than a subconscious memory of alien origins.

Implications of the Hypothesis

Reevaluating Human History

If Dr. Silver’s hypothesis were to be proven true, it would necessitate a complete reevaluation of human history, evolution, and our place in the cosmos. This would have profound implications for anthropology, archaeology, and many other scientific fields.

Philosophical and Theological Considerations

The idea that humans are not native to Earth would also have significant philosophical and theological implications. It would challenge many religious and cultural narratives about human origins and could lead to new interpretations of our existence and purpose.

Future Research

While Dr. Silver’s hypothesis is not widely accepted, it highlights the importance of continuing to explore and question our understanding of human origins. Future research in genetics, archaeology, and other disciplines may uncover new evidence that could either support or refute unconventional theories like this one.


Dr. Ellis Silver’s hypothesis that humans are aliens brought to Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago offers a radical departure from traditional views of human evolution. While the mainstream scientific community remains skeptical, the theory has sparked debate and interest in exploring the mysteries of human origins. Regardless of its validity, this provocative idea underscores the importance of questioning and investigating the complex history of our species.

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