We Now Understand How Aliens Build Their Ships and How They Fly Them


Dr. Steven Greer, a prominent figure in the field of ufology and extraterrestrial research, has made a groundbreaking claim that we now understand how aliens build their ships and how they fly them. This revelation, if true, could revolutionize our understanding of advanced technology and propulsion systems, as well as our place in the universe. This article explores Dr. Greer’s assertions, the potential implications of this knowledge, and the future of extraterrestrial research.

Dr. Steven Greer: Background and Credentials

Who is Dr. Steven Greer?

Career and Achievements: Dr. Steven Greer is a physician and founder of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and the Disclosure Project. He has been a leading advocate for the disclosure of classified information regarding UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

Publications and Media: Dr. Greer has authored several books and produced documentaries on the subject of UFOs and extraterrestrials, gaining a significant following in the ufology community.

History of Extraterrestrial Research

Disclosure Project: Launched in 2001, the Disclosure Project aims to disclose the truth about UFOs, advanced energy, and propulsion systems, based on testimonies from government, military, and intelligence officials.

CSETI: Founded in 1990, CSETI focuses on establishing peaceful contact with extraterrestrial civilizations through research, public education, and the development of diplomatic initiatives.

Understanding Alien Technology

The Building of Alien Ships

Materials and Construction: According to Dr. Greer, alien spacecraft are constructed using advanced materials not found on Earth. These materials are capable of withstanding extreme conditions in space and enable the ships to perform maneuvers beyond our current technological capabilities.

Manufacturing Processes: The construction process involves advanced techniques, possibly including nanotechnology and molecular engineering, allowing for the creation of lightweight yet incredibly strong structures.

Propulsion Systems

Anti-Gravity Technology: Dr. Greer claims that alien ships utilize anti-gravity propulsion systems, which allow them to overcome the gravitational forces of planets and travel vast distances across the universe. This technology involves manipulating gravitational fields to achieve lift and propulsion.

Zero-Point Energy: Another key component of alien propulsion systems is the use of zero-point energy, a form of energy that exists in the vacuum of space. By harnessing this virtually limitless energy source, alien ships can achieve near-light-speed travel without the need for conventional fuel.

Implications of This Knowledge

Technological Advancements

Energy and Propulsion: Understanding and replicating alien technology could lead to revolutionary advancements in energy production and propulsion systems on Earth. This could transform industries such as transportation, aerospace, and energy.

Environmental Impact: The adoption of zero-point energy and anti-gravity propulsion could significantly reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, leading to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Military and Defense

Strategic Advantage: Nations that acquire and develop alien technology could gain a significant strategic advantage in terms of defense and space exploration capabilities.

Global Security: The potential for misuse of advanced alien technology raises important questions about global security and the need for international cooperation to prevent conflicts.

Philosophical and Societal Impact

Human Understanding: The confirmation of alien technology and the existence of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations would fundamentally alter our understanding of humanity’s place in the universe.

Cultural Shift: Such a revelation could lead to a paradigm shift in cultural, religious, and philosophical beliefs, as humanity grapples with the implications of not being alone in the universe.

Future of Extraterrestrial Research

Continued Disclosure Efforts

Public Awareness: Dr. Greer and other advocates will likely continue their efforts to raise public awareness and push for government transparency regarding UFOs and extraterrestrial technology.

Scientific Inquiry: Increased interest in extraterrestrial research could lead to more scientific investigations and the establishment of dedicated research institutions focused on studying alien technology and its potential applications.

International Collaboration

Global Efforts: Collaboration between nations will be essential to responsibly develop and manage the use of alien technology, ensuring that its benefits are shared globally and its risks are mitigated.

Policy Development: The international community will need to develop policies and frameworks for the ethical use of alien technology, addressing issues such as security, equity, and environmental impact.


Dr. Steven Greer’s claim that we now understand how aliens build their ships and how they fly them represents a monumental leap in our quest to uncover the mysteries of the universe. While the implications of this knowledge are vast and profound, it also presents significant challenges and responsibilities. As humanity stands on the brink of potentially unprecedented technological and philosophical advancements, the need for careful, ethical, and collaborative approaches to extraterrestrial research has never been more critical.

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